Dec 31, 2011

Looking back at December

When I go on my Google AdSense account and look at December's earnings, everything is green (except HubPages). That means that on every website (except HubPages) I have earned more in December than I earned in November. HubPages I'm earning with HPAds and not much with Google.

When I add what I'm earning with HPAds to money from Google for HubPages, it's about half what I was earning with just Google in December 2010. HubPages is not a good money maker for me right now and most probably through 2012.

I'm not moving hubs. Most of them are so intricately backlinked in a very complicated way that it would be a lot of work to move them somewhere else. I'm leaving them all where they are and just not expecting any decent earnings from them right now.

I've been hearing good things about Wizzley. If I was moving hubs, I'd move them there, but right now I'm more interested in building webpages and getting all the earnings than writing on revenue sharing sites.

My top earners with Google in December were:


I now have 6 Kindle books published and they earned me about $150 in December.

Dec 22, 2011

Inspiration for Kindle Books

The inspiration for Kindle books came from this thread on reddit

It's a bit of a read, but well worth all the information. I put my first Kindle book up just to see if I could, but the writer here suggests many Kindle books for sale will help others sell. Let's see how many Kindle/Nook books I can get listed soon as the big selling month is January when many people have received Kindles for Christmas.

Dec 20, 2011

Make Money Online with Fiverr

Fiverr is a website where you can earn money by doing jobs (called gigs) for $5. The only limit is your imagination.

Making Money with Fiverr is a short Kindle book explaining how to get started on Fiverr. Then it tells you the ways to maximize your earnings there and gives you ideas of gigs you can create. It also tells you the best way to list gigs that will sell.

Dec 18, 2011

Make Money Online with Best-Reviewer

Best-Reviewer is a website where you can earn money with Google AdSense by making lists (called tops) and writing reviews. Or, you can write about a celebrity and show their earnings in real time.

Making Money with Best-Reviewer is a short Kindle book explaining how to get started on Best-Reviewer. There are links to two videos that you will be able to watch if you read the book on a Kindle Fire.

Dec 1, 2011

Looking back at November

November has been a really good month. I published not one, but two Kindle books. And youtube offered me Google ads on my 50 youtube videos. I saw a trickle of money from Amazon Associates and my HubPages earnings from HPads were the highest ever. I seriously thought about giving it all up, but fortunately not for long.

This month's Google money is really not worth reporting, but my top two earners there were HubPages and WebAnswers. However, if I add my Google AdAsense money and my HPAds money, it's about half what I earned from Google in December 2010.

Here are the two new Kindle books

I did a little experiment with pricing on my first Kindle book. At first I listed it at 99 cents. For the month of November I changed the price to $2.99 and it's hardly affected the number of sales. The difference in money is huge because at 99 cents, I get 35 cents income, but for the $2.99 book I get about $2 in sales money. I don't think I'll sell books at 99 cents in the future, I think my lowest price will be $2.99

For December I'm planning a series of 5 Kindle books. There will be 4 individual books priced at $2.99 each and then all the four books together in one book for $9.99. I'm aiming to get them out for Christmas Day, but I'm being held back by family commitments during this busy season!