Jun 9, 2011

Hubpages, Xomba, Infobarrel and Writing Online Articles

I started writing online in January 2010, I joined HubPages in March of that year, then in April I opened accounts with InfoBarrel and Xomba. I liked HubPages much better at first and wrote a lot of articles there, but I kept the same number of articles on Xomba and InfoBarrel in order to compare them. I also added a lot of bookmarks on Xomba, which kind of spoiled my experiment.

Anyway, InforBarrel got more views and Xomba got more money. This article was written about a year ago, since then Xomba have terminated their referral program.

Hubpages, Xomba, Infobarrel and Writing Online Articles

Since the Google changes in February 2011, I have had a lot more traffic on InfoBarrel and my earnings on Xomba have become insignificant. While I still prefer to write on HubPages, if it was a choice between Xomba and InfoBarrel, I would now choose InfoBarrel.


  1. Tina: are you getting more traffic on Inforbarrel or Hunpages? (BTW Added blog to my blog)

  2. I'm getting more traffic on HubPages just because I have more articles there. Since February 2011, every time I check Google Analytics my HubPages traffic is going down and my InfoBarrel traffic is going up. My HubPages traffic is now about half what it was before February 2011.
