Feb 25, 2012

How I Increased My Monthly Amazon Check from $200 to $1500

Here is an inspirational article that is worth reading:
How I Increased My Monthly Amazon Check from $200 to $1500

Feb 22, 2012


I've discovered Pinterest!

In case you don't know what that is, it's a place where you can post pictures that you like. You can repin pictures from other people's boards. So I've been spending a lot of time there, and some of my boards have Amazon links.

I've been reading blogs and some people are reporting an increase in Amazon earnings after putting links on Pinterest. While the rules say no self serving links, no one has yet been banned for putting links to their own sites and blogs.

You are allowed to put links to other people's websites, but not your own. But no one is checking.

And in true Internet marketing fashion, I've started two Pinterest accounts (just in case they cancel one)

Here they are:

Feb 13, 2012


In an effort to make more Amazon Affiliate money I designed this webpage using Weebly.


If you have any constructive criticism, or you find a link that doesn't work, please let me know.

Feb 10, 2012

W.E. Literary Digest

Webpages Examiner on HubPages has put together a list of books written by HubPages people. It can be viewed here


Feb 3, 2012

How to Build an Amazon Store with WordPress for FREE

I'm currently building a website with Weebly. I love it and it's easy to use. But the professionals use WordPress. I know I have to learn WordPress sometime, I'm just putting it off.

I found this site How to Build an Amazon Store with WordPress for FREE, and although a lot of this was over my head, I know I want to get there eventually.

Feb 1, 2012

Looking back at January

November 2011 I made the most money ever in one month. December 2011 I beat that figure which wasn't surprising as everyone spends money in December. But what surprised me was that I beat December figure in January. From all the different sources of income, January 2012 has totalled my highest earning ever.

This was in a large part to the sales of my book Homeschooling Boys - Gaining Maximum Success from Minimum Cooperation. I sold 153 during January, beating the previous highest month, that of 96 in October 2011. Some of those sales I also earned affiliate commission if they were purchased through my own webpage.

Talking of Amazon Affiliates, my goal was to earn $100 for the month of January. I actually earned $80, so I didn't reach my target, but I'm still very pleased with that. My new target for February is to increase that figure by $100, so I'm aiming to earn $180 during February purely from Amazon Associates. I'll report on my progress next month.

In an effort to gain more income from Amazon I designed a website with Weebly, WireFreeBra.com That's where I mainly spent my time during January, but I have yet to make my first sale from that website. Currently all links lead to Amazon, but eventually they won't.

I was planning on getting a series of 5 Kindle books published in time for Christmas, they are as follows:
Making Money Online with WebAnswers
Make Money Online with Best-Reviewer
Make Money Online with Fiverr
Make Money Online with HubPages
Making Money Online with HubPages, WebAnswers, Best-Reviewer and Fiverr

I only managed the first three, and then I got not one, but three one star reviews for the WebAnswers book, so I've unpublished it with the intention of rewriting it. During January I finished and published the HubPages book, which is a 6,000 word book. I think I'm finally getting the hang of Kindle publishing. This book is nicely presented with clickable chapters. My plan for February is to rewrite the WebAnswers book and finishing publishing the whole set. Let's hope they sell as well as the Homeshcooling Boys book.

My other main book is Living Simply - Improve Your Life with Less Clutter,which only sold 7 during January. I can see I'm going to have to promote that some more.

Increasingly I'm moving away from earning with Adsense, but just to report my top highest earners for the month of January with Adsense were WebAnswers, InfoBarrel and Best-Reviewer, in that order.