Jul 7, 2013

Return to Selling on eBay

eBay is where I started on line. Then I moved to writing on HubPages, to writing on my own sites and then Kindle books. But for the past two months I've been back selling on eBay. I have a love-hate relationship with eBay. Returning to selling felt like coming home, but I've had to deal with eBay policy changes and rude customers, and even got an undeserved negative.

I am finding, though, that all that knowledge I gained while running websites is helping me while promoting auctions. In particular I'm using the Google Keywords tool to help with titles, and I'm pinning everything I list.

I'm still running my websites and my Kindle books are still for sale, but my time right now is dedicated to eBay and other family projects.

Just to inspire you, here is my best sale from the past 2 months.
In one day someone bought:
8 x Kindle, 6" E Ink Display, Wi-Fi (Black)
8 x Marware jurni Kindle Case Cover, Black and
4 x Amazon.com Gift Card - $500

Total commission to me = $190

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