Mar 14, 2012

Looking back at February

Yesterday I told you about my Amazon earnings. I expected high earnings in December and January, but February beat January. My highest single earner was my Homeschooling Boys Kindle book. I have plans for more Kindle books, I think I do better with those than I do with Google or Amazon.

My google top 3 earners during February were
in that order.

The bad news is that two days ago Best-Reviewer had all their Google ads removed by Google and the owner, James, doesn't know why. This is one more reason why you should write on your own site and not someone else's, but I've always done well on Best-Reviewer.

I'm currently working on getting my Living Simply Kindle book in paperback form with CreateSpace. Hopefully that will be completed in March.

One more thing to mention, I sold a bikini on Shareasale from my webpage, The bikini cost $347 and I got 10% - that's $34.70 for just one sale. now I just hope they don't return it!

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