May 15, 2012

How to Get More Traffic to Your Blog or Webpage

Lat night I met Bill Belew from, he did a presentation called Let's talk Google Panda and Penguin Updates and best SEO practices. Here are his ways to get more traffic to your blog or website:

1. Quantity. Find who is your nearest competitor and write more than they have on that topic.
2. Quality. Make your articles better quality than the next person.
3. Consistency. Keep posting new material.
4. Start early. Time matters on the Internet, how long a web page has been live matters, but after a while a 1 year domain counts as much as a 10 year domain.

And that, he said, is the secret to getting more traffic to your blog or webpage. He claims to have 30,000 articles on 10 different unrelated topics. I did a quick Google search and found books on Amazon he's written and youtube videos he's made. He makes large popular websites and then people find him.

Here's a youtube video that someone made about him

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