Jan 1, 2012

Plans for 2012 - Amazon Associates

In 2011 I started doing well with Amazon Associates and then I lost my account for July, August and September. When I go it back on October 3rd I already had plans leading up to Christmas and didn't really plan to make much money with Amazon. But knowledge gained is never lost and I believe that for me, earning money with Amazon Associates is the best direction for me to go right now.

So, this is my New Year's Resolution for 2012. I plan on getting $1000 a month from Amazon Associates by the end of the year. I wonder if I can do it.


  1. Sorry to hear you lost your associates account. Was it because of all of the issues with state sales tax? I have been an associate for a long time but have never made more than a sale or two. Right now I make a little off of Amazon sales on my squidoo lenses. You can see my lenses here http://www.squidoo.com/lensmasters/Paula7928 Squidoo splits the commission with you. They get 8% and give you 4%. Hope you make good commissions going forward.

  2. I lost the associates account because I live in California, but I got it back again in October. But a couple of months before I lost the account I suddenly realized that I could make money with Amazon Associates, so now I have it back, my aim is to increase those earnings. Watch this space!
